A Letter for an Open Heart

Hello Friends,

Is there anything that has moved humanity more than the power of love? The absence of love has caused every kind of war and act of deep atrocity known to mankind. The abundance of love has been the driving force behind every beautiful and wonderful creation known to mankind. Every piece of beauty in the world has its roots in love.

When we realize how powerful love is, we can understand why the heart, and learning to open the heart is so important. The heart is love’s home in our physical bodies. 

This magnificent process can be supported in so many ways. Let’s talk a little bit about this center, because when I talk about opening the heart, I’m speaking about the energetic heart, the spiritual heart, not the physical blood pumping muscle. 

The spiritual heart supports our ability to give and receive love. Both to ourselves and to others. The ability to give yourself love, and give others love in a balanced healthy way is one of the greatest healing processes imaginable. 

If your heart is filled with painful arrows and deep unhealed suffering, there is no way to love in a balanced way. One of the first steps towards an open heart is first acknowledging your wounds. We need to remove the arrows, and walls and walls of protection and armor we have all inevitably grown around this center of our bodies. 

How do we take down these walls? How do we feel safe to be vulnerable without the fortress we have built?

There are so many support systems we have available to us in the process of deep emotional heart healing, and different people are drawn to different kinds of practices. In my experience, feeling into the emotions and releasing their emotional charge, is one of the healthiest practices I have ever used. Learning to release grief, anger, pain, learning how to feel your feelings, learning how to nurture your inner child when he/she is triggered, learning the processes of forgiveness for yourself and others, and practicing discernment and boundaries have been integral to my own personal healing.

Everyone is at a different level of self examination in their lives. Working on integrating our blocks is a brave and courageous process, and any steps you take towards more self-realization and understanding is wonderful. 

A healthy heart finds balance. It finds balance in relationships between self and all aspects of self with the world and others in it. It is the balance point between our connection to the Divine, ourselves, and the physical world. Heaven and Earth find their bridge here. The heart in balance finds compassion for others and for self. It is empathetic, peaceful, aware of beauty, and able to feel all the human emotions without judgement. We often fear the heart will not be able to withstand the depth of our feelings, but it is in not feeling, that we don’t give this muscle the ability to grow strong and resilient. Allowing the heart to feel everything keeps it healthy. The rejection of the emotions the mind has deemed “bad” creates blockages in the heart and body. Feeling is healing, my friends. Feeling is the gateway for contact with the Soul.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to learn to love yourself. Do not kid yourselves. It is not better to give than to receive. We have to learn to completely fully honor, love, and cherish ourselves to be able to give in a healthy way. This is not narcissism. Learn to honor your life and see how you are just as precious as every other soul on earth. Your needs and boundaries are just as important as anyone else. Standing up for yourself, because you LOVE yourself, is so important. Speaking the truth that lives inside your heart is SO important. BEING the truth that lives inside your heart is SO important. 

My loves, let yourself feel, let yourself heal, let yourself love yourselves because you are so worthy of love. Forgive yourself for all the ways you ever believed you were not worthy. Find the courage to forgive those that hurt you and find the courage to continue to open your hearts. You are so courageous. You are so lovable. Your every breath on this Earth is love.

